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Dietary supplements – friend or foe of a healthy diet?

In a world where health and wellness are becoming more and more important, dietary supplements have become a frequently discussed topic. But why do so many people choose to use dietary supplements? Is it necessary or just a trend? In this blog post, we will explore these questions in more detail and find out why people incorporate dietary supplements into their diet and give you our conclusion.

1. Lack of nutrients in the modern diet

One of the main reasons many people use supplements is the lack of essential nutrients in the modern diet. Our modern lifestyles often lead to unhealthy eating habits that are poor in important vitamins and minerals. Fast-paced times and access to processed foods have led to us consuming fewer fresh, nutrient-rich foods. As a result, supplements can be a useful addition to ensure our bodies are getting the nutrients they need.

2. Special needs and life phases

Certain stages of life often require increased intake of certain nutrients. For example, pregnant women need more folic acid, iron and calcium. Athletes can benefit from protein powders to aid their muscle recovery. Older people may have a higher need for vitamin D to maintain bone health. Supplements can help meet these specific needs.

3. Environmental factors and stress

Today's world is characterized by environmental pressures and stress that can increase nutrient requirements. Pollution, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and chronic stress can increase the need for antioxidants and other nutrients to protect the body from damage. In such cases, dietary supplements can play a supportive role.

4. Medical conditions and diets

Some medical conditions or diets can affect the absorption of nutrients. People with celiac disease, lactose intolerance, or certain allergies may need nutritional supplements to ensure they get all the necessary nutrients they cannot get from their regular diet.

5. Performance optimization

Dietary supplements are also used by people who want to increase their athletic performance or improve their mental performance. These often include supplements such as creatine , omega-3 fatty acids and nootropic substances. Whether these actually increase performance is the subject of intensive research.

Our conclusion:

The use of dietary supplements is a complex issue that depends on many factors, including individual needs, lifestyle and dietary habits. While they can provide real benefits for some people, they should never replace a healthy, balanced diet. Ideally, dietary supplements should be taken in consultation with a doctor, naturopath or nutritionist to ensure that they are actually needed and do not pose any health risks. A conscious diet rich in fresh, natural foods should always be the basis of a healthy lifestyle. We really cannot stress enough how important a healthy lifestyle and diet are - they form the foundation on which you can lead a happy, vital & free life and our products are just the icing on the cake.

We never want to give the impression that any of our Vitalium substances are the solution or the miracle cure for your problems. As the name suggests, they are just supplements. The best fertilizer in the world is of no use to the plant if the soil in which it is growing is permanently contaminated and polluted. Even if it is not our job, we would like to take on a little responsibility for our fellow human beings and hope that you have been able to take something from this conclusion.

Thank you for your attention and the time you took to read, we hope we were able to explain the topic to you a little better.

Best regards from the meinVitalium team :-)

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